We try to always be available for questions and concerns here at A-Team Gutters & Covers. However, we have put together some frequently asked questions that have come up over the years to help you on your quest.
How often should I clean out my gutter?
It depends on how many and what type of trees you have, but on average your gutters should be cleaned out 3 to 5 times a year.
What happens if I don't clean out my gutters?
Clogged gutters can cause a number of costly problems, such as gutters falling on your house, water or ice backing up behind the gutter causing your fascia boards to rot out and dirty gutters make an ideal environment for bacteria and mosquitoes to thrive in.
When should I replace my roof?
When you start to see roofing granules in your gutters and on the ground near your downspouts its time to start thinking about replacing your roof. Another key sign is when the asphalt shingles start to curl up on the corners. If the valleys are starting to crumble than in may be time to replace your roof. The valleys are one of the most important part of the roofing system. If the valley is compromised this could cause leaks. The earlier you catch these signs and replace your roof the cheaper it tends to be. If you wait to long you may get into replacing rotten wood and worse case you may have to replace drywall and paint after a leak.
What is the most common cause for ice dams?
Ice Dams are the result of heat escaping through your ceiling, into your attic and melting the snow on the top of your roof. As the snow is melted the water runs down to the bottom part of your roof. Because the bottom of the roof, where your soffit is placed, is not heated that melted snow re-freezes causing dreaded ice dams. Besides it looking bad, ice dams can back up under your shingles or behind your fascia board causing serious water damage and ultimately leading to expensive wood repairs. It can also be dangerous in that it can weigh down your gutters to the point that they tear off your house causing ice blocks to fall at any time. So, what can you do about it? In many instances the problem can be fixed by adding more installation or proper ventilation. In some problem areas another good solution is heat cable. Heat Cable is placed on the roof and in your gutters to prevent ice dams from building up. Heat Cable comes with a built-in thermostat that automatically kicks on when the temperature drops below 32 F. To have a skilled professional come out and address the best solution for your home contact us or call and schedule your free estimate today.